Turnpike in optimal shape design for heat equation

G. Lance, E. Trélat, E. Zuazua Turnpike in optimal shape design for heat equation (2019) IFAC-PAPERSONLINE, Vol. 52, No. 16, ...

Greedy algorithm for parameter dependent operator Lyapunov equations

Martin Lazar, Jerome Weston. Greedy algorithm for parameter dependent operator Lyapunov equations (2021) Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 154, pp ...

Optimal distributed control of linear parabolic equations by spectral decomposition

Martin Lazar, Cesare Molinari. Optimal distributed control of linear parabolic equations by spectral decomposition (2021) Optimal Control Applications and Methods, ...

Null controllability of a nonlinear age, space and two-sex structured population dynamics model

Yacouba Simporé, Oumar Traoré. Null controllability of a nonlinear age, space and two-sex structured population dynamics model (2021) Mathematical Control ...

Flow decomposition for heat equations with memory

G. Wang, Y. Zhang, E. Zuazua. Flow decomposition for heat equations with memory (2022) J. Math. Pures Appl, Vol. 158, ...

Optimal driving strategies for traffic control with autonomous vehicles

T. Liard, Raphael Stern, Maria Laura Delle Monache. Optimal driving strategies for traffic control with autonomous vehicles. IFAC-PapersOnLine 53.2 (2020), ...

The turnpike property and the longtime behavior of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for finite-dimensional LQ control problems

C. Esteve, H. Kouhkouh, D. Pighin, E. Zuazua. The turnpike property and the long-time behavior of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for finite-dimensional ...

Turnpike in Optimal Control PDES, ResNets, and beyond

B. Geshkovski, E. Zuazua, Turnpike in Optimal Control PDES, ResNets and beyond (2022) Acta Numer., Vol. 31, pp. 135-263. doi:10.1017/S0962492922000046 ...

Preface- Control and Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Nicolae Cîndea, Günter Leugering, Jëróme Lohêac, Sorin Micu, Kirsten Morris, Takeo Takahashi and Enrique Zuazua. Preface- Control and Analysis of ...

Initial data identification for the one-dimensional Burgers equation

Thibault Liard, Enrique Zuazua. Initial data identification for the one-dimensional Burgers equation. (2022). IEEE T Automat. Contr., Vol. 67, No ...

Nonuniqueness of minimizers for semilinear optimal control problems

D. Pighin. Nonuniqueness of minimizers for semilinear optimal control problems (2022) J. Eur. Math. Soc, , published online first. https://doi.org/10.4171/jems/1232 ...

Numerical Control: Part A

Emmanuel Trélat, Enrique Zuazua. Numerical Control: Part A First Edition (2022), Elsevier Science & Technology. Handbook of Numerical Analysis XXIII, ...

Numerical hypocoercivity for the Kolmogorov equation

Porretta A., Zuazua E. Numerical hypocoercivity for the Kolmogorov equation APPL MATH COMPUT, AMS. Vol. 86. No. 303 (2017), pp ...