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Teoría del Control, modelización y planes de estudio

¿Teoría matemática del control, Ingeniería del control o, símplemente, Control? Un área de investigación multidisciplinar entre las Matemáticas y la Ingeniería, con importantes conexiones con las Ciencias de la Computación, la Tecnología, las Telecomunicaciones. Introducción Principal motivación: La necesidad de automatizar procesos para que el ser humano gane en libertad y calidad de vida. – […]

Teaching and Learning Mathematics: From Secondary School to University

1. Introduction: key points for an important debate Mathematics is not one of the main concerns in citizens’ lives, despite the will of many mathematicians and Mathematics teachers. However, most people have some contact with the discipline at some point in their lives, and virtually everybody agrees that some basic Mathematics knowledge is necessary to […]

M4TEMOZIOA 2013: Matematikaren Hitzordua

M4TEMOZIOA 2013: Matematikaren Hitzordua Mathematics of Planet Earth Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montreal, Canada Bastida Aretoa | Alhóndiga Bilbao, Plaza Arriquibar 4. Bilbao 7 March 2013 at 19:00 MATHEMATICS OF PLANET EARTH Earth is a complex planet inside the solar system, with dynamic movements in the mantle, an atmosphere, and oceans. It supports life and […]

M4TEMOZIOA 2015: Matematikaren Hitzordua

M4TEMOZIOA 2015: Matematikaren Hitzordua Cita con las Matemáticas – Sound, Shape, and Harmony  Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, European Research Council & IHÉS, France Bizkaia Aretoa | Paraninfo UPV / EHU, Avenida Abandoibarra 3, Bilbao, Bilbao 26 February 2015 at 19:00 Jean Pierre Bourguignon matematikariak Sound, Shape and Hamrony izeneko hitzaldia eskeini zuen M4temozioa 2015 ekimenaren baitan, matematika, teknologia eta berrikuntzaren […]

M4TEMOZIOA 2012: Matematikaren Hitzordua

M4TEMOZIOA 2012: Matematikaren Hitzordua Mathematical modeling: from the Galileo legancy to the environment, medicine and technology Alfio Quarteroni, Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (Swicherland) & Politecnico di Milano (Italy) Bizkaia Aretoa | Paraninfo UPV / EHU, Avenida Abandoibarra 3, Bilbao, Bilbao 21 February 2012 at 19:00 MATHEMATICAL MODELING:FROM THE GALILEO LEGACY TO THE ENVIRONMENT, MEDICINE AND TECHNOLOGY […]

International Cooperation

I have the pleasure of cooperating with CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées), as Chair of its Scientific Council. Its  aim is to promote international cooperation in higher education and research in mathematics and related subjects, particularly computer science, for the benefit of developing countries. In the 2011 edition of its newsletter I wrote […]