PhD Student
My research is focused on the study of Dynamical Systems and Control Theory using data-driven techniques.

Jorge Mallo Fuentes-Lojo is a PhD student at DyCon project headed by Prof. Enrique Zuazua (FAUUniversity of Deusto and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

He earned a BSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Physics and Mathematics, with a specialization in Algebraic Geometry, at Universidad de Salamanca (USAL).

He earned a MINECO grant for a Predoctoral contract at Deusto Foundation.

  • Internship (Current). Deusto Foundation, Bilbao
  • Master’s degree in Physics and Mathematics (2018-2019). University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics (2014-2018). University of Salamanca, Spain

Master’s Thesis. “Moduli spaces of vector bundles over a smooth projective algebraic curve”

Description. The subject of this Master’s Thesis is Geometric Invariant Theory and its applications to moduli problems. Geometric Invariant Theory is a powerful collection of techniques that can be used to construct quotients of algebraic group actions in the category of schemes. These techniques are applied in this Thesis to give the construction of the module space of vector bundles over a smooth projective algebraic curve.  PDF Master’s Thesis

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