About the chair

The Chair of Computational Mathematics of Fundación Deusto at University of Deusto, Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) aims to develop an active research, training and outreach agenda in various aspects of Applied Mathematics. The Chair is committed with the development of ground-breaking research in the areas of Partial Differential Equations, Control Theory, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing; key tools for technological transfer and for the interaction of Mathematics with other scientific disciplines such as Biology, Engineering, Earth and Climate Sciences.

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Enrique Zuazua

Enrique Zuazua (Eibar, Basque Country – Spain, 1961) holds an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at the Friedrich–Alexander University (FAU), Erlangen (Germany). He is also the Director of the Chair of Computational Mathematics at Deusto Foundation, Universidad de Deusto (Bilbao, Basque Country-Spain) where he led the research team funded by the ERC Advanced Grant DyCoN project (2016-2022). He is also a Professor of Applied Mathematics since 2001 at the Department of Mathematics of the Autonomous University of Madrid where he holds a Strategic Chair.

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ERC DyCon project

DyCon: Dynamic Control is an European project funded by the European Research Council – ERC (2016 – 2022), focused at making a breakthrough contribution in the broad area of Control of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and their numerical approximation methods by addressing key unsolved issues appearing systematically in real-life applications. The field of PDEs, together with numerical approximation, simulation methods and control theory, has evolved significantly to address the industrial demands.

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Our latest!

Interplay between depth and width for interpolation in neural ODEs

A. Alvarez-Lopez, A. Hadj Slimane, E. Zuazua. Interplay between depth and width for interpolation in neural ODEs (2024) M3AS Abstract ...

Exponential convergence to steady-states for trajectories of a damped dynamical system modelling adhesive strings

GM. Coclite, N. De Nitti, F. Maddalena, G. Orlando, E. Zuazua. Exponential convergence to steady-states for trajectories of a damped ...

FedADMM-InSa: An Inexact and Self-Adaptive ADMM for Federated Learning

E. Zuazua. FedADMM-InSa: An Inexact and Self-Adaptive ADMM for Federated Learning (2024) https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.13989 Abstract. Federated learning (FL) is a promising ...

Fourier series and sidewise control of 1-d waves

E. Zuazua. Fourier series and sidewise control of 1-d waves (2024) Volume in honor of Yves Meyer, Documents Mathématiques of ...

Stability and Convergence of a Randomized Model Predictive Control Strategy

Daniël Veldman, Alexandra Borkowski, Enrique Zuazua. Stability and Convergence of a Randomized Model Predictive Control Strategy (2024) IEEE Trans. Automat. Abstract ...

Benasque Workshop-Summer School: PDE’s, Optimal Design and Numerics

Next Summer, from August 21th to September 2nd, 2022 will be held the ...

Enrique Zuazua awarded 2022 W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize

At DeustoCCM - Chair of Computational Mathematics at Deusto Foundation/University of Deusto, we ...

Seminar in PDE, Tongji University

Last week, April 25th, 2022 Timothée Crin-Barat Postdoctoral researcher at DeustoCCM Chair of ...

Model Predictive Control with Random Batch Method for Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control: Introduction and Matlab Implementation

Model Predictive Control with Random Batch Method for Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control: Introduction and ...

Partially dissipative hyperbolic system, results and perspectives

Last week, April 4th-8th, 2022 Timothée Crin-Barat Postdoctoral researcher at DeustoCCM Chair of ...

Controllability in Lotka-Volterra competitive systems with positive controls

Next Tuesday April 12 at 11:00H, Elisa Affili Postdoctoral Researcher will give a ...

Introduction to spherical geometry: postulates and Pythagoras’ theorem

Spain. 29.03.2022 Author: Elisa Affili Introduction In this post, we present some basic ...

Contrôle et apprentissage automatique

Next week, our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on "Contrôle et apprentissage ...

Domènec Ruiz-Balet -PhD Thesis defense: “Some control aspects in Mathematical Biology and Deep Learning”

At CCM - Chair of Computational Mathematics, Deusto Foundation - University of Deusto ...

Smart control. Two converging points of view

On February 24th, our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on “Control and ...

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