Greedy algorithm for parameter dependent operator Lyapunov equations
Martin Lazar, Jerome Weston. Greedy algorithm for parameter dependent operator Lyapunov equations (2021) Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 154, pp ...
Optimal distributed control of linear parabolic equations by spectral decomposition
Martin Lazar, Cesare Molinari. Optimal distributed control of linear parabolic equations by spectral decomposition (2021) Optimal Control Applications and Methods, ...
Null controllability of a nonlinear age, space and two-sex structured population dynamics model
Yacouba Simporé, Oumar Traoré. Null controllability of a nonlinear age, space and two-sex structured population dynamics model (2021) Mathematical Control ...
Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems
Lohéac J., Trélat E., Zuazua E. Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems. Ann. I. H. Poincare-An., Vol. 38, No. 2, ...
Local null controllability of a model system for strong interaction between internal solitary waves
Jon Asier Bárcena-Petisco, Sergio Guerrero and Ademir F. Pazoto. Local null controllability of a model system for strong interaction between ...
The Finite-Time Turnpike Phenomenon for Optimal Control Problems: Stabilization by Non-smooth Tracking Terms
M. Gugat, M. Schuster, E. Zuazua. The Finite-Time Turnpike Phenomenon for Optimal Control Problems: Stabilization by Non-Smooth Tracking Terms, in ...
Controllability of one-dimensional viscous free boundary flows
B. Geshkovski, E. Zuazua. Controllability of one-dimensional viscous free boundary flows. Siam. J. Control. Optim (2021), Vol. 59, No. 3, ...
The turnpike property in semilinear control
D. Pighin The turnpike property in semilinear control ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Vol. 26 (2021), pp. 1-48 Abstract.An exponential ...
The turnpike property in nonlinear optimal control – A geometric approach
N. Sakamoto, E. Zuazua. The turnpike property in nonlinear optimal control - A geometric approach. (2021) Automatica., Vol. 134 (2021), ...
Model predictive control with random batch methods for a guiding problem
Ko Dongnam, Zuazua Enrique. Model predictive control with random batch methods for a guiding problem (2021). Math. Models Methods Appl ...
Classical system theory revisited for Turnpike in standard state space systems and impulse controllable descriptor systems
Heiland J., Zuazua E. Classical system theory revisited for Turnpike in standard state space systems and impulse controllable descriptor systems (2021) ...
Averaged dynamics and control for heat equations with random diffusion
Bárcena J.A., Zuazua E.. Averaged dynamics and control for heat equations with random diffusion (2021) Syst. Control. Lett. Vol. 158 ...