Home Events Calendar II [B_1^-] Short-course: Control and Machine Learning by E. Zuazua

II [B_1^-] Short-course: Control and Machine Learning by E. Zuazua

On January 26, 27 and 28, 2022 our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk as main speaker on “Control and Machine Learning” at the II [B_1^-]: Analysis and PDE from the South.

Zoom meeting link

Abstract. We address some of the problems arising in the modern theory of Machine Learning from a control theoretical perspective. We will mainly focus on the use of control techniques for the analysis of Deep Neural Networks as a tool to address, for instance, the problem of Supervised Learning. We shall also discuss numerical implementation issues and formulate some interesting open problems.

The event is finished.


Wed 26th Jan 2022


13:00 - 14:30
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