Numerical hypocoercivity for the Kolmogorov equation
Porretta A., Zuazua E. Numerical hypocoercivity for the Kolmogorov equation APPL MATH COMPUT, AMS. Vol. 86. No. 303 (2017), pp ...
Actuator design for parabolic distributed parameter systems with the moment method
Privat Y., Trélat E., Zuazua E. Actuator design for parabolic distributed parameter systems with the moment method SIAM J CONTROL ...
Large time control and turnpike properties for wave equations
Zuazua E. Large time control and turnpike properties for wave equations ANNU REV CONTROL. Vol. 40 (2017), pp. 199-210 DOI: ...
Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian
U. Biccari, M. Warma, E. Zuazua Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian Advanced Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 17, Nr ...
Addendum: Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian
U. Biccari, M. Warma, E. Zuazua Addendum: Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian Adv. Nonlinear Stud., Vol. 17, ...
Minimal controllability time for the heat equation under unilateral state or control constraints
Lohéac J., Trélat E., Zuazua E. Minimal controllability time for the heat equation under unilateral state or control constraints . Mathematical ...
Averaged controllability of parameter dependent conservative semigroups
Lohéac J., Zuazua E. Averaged controllability of parameter dependent conservative semigroups Journal of Differential Equations, 262 (3) (2017), 1540–1574 DOI: ...
Filtered gradient algorithms for inverse design problems of one-dimensional Burgers equation
L. Gosse, E. Zuazua. Filtered gradient algorithms for inverse design problems of one-dimensional Burgers equation. Innovative Algorithms and Analysis,Gosse, Laurent, ...
Null controllability for wave equations with memory
Lu Q., Zhang X., Zuazua E. Null controllability for wave equations with memory, J. Math. Pures Appl., Vol. 108, No ...
Controllability of Evolution Equations with Memory
Felipe W. Chaves-Silva, Xu Zhang, and Enrique Zuazua Controllability of Evolution Equations with Memory. SIAM J. Control Optim., 55(4), 2437–2459. (23 ...
Decay rates for elastic-thermoelastic star-shaped networks
Han Z., Zuazua E. Decay rates for elastic-thermoelastic star-shaped networks Network and Heterogeneous Media, NETW HETEROG MEDIA, Vol. 12, No ...