Control under constraints for multi-dimensional reaction-diffusion monostable and bistable equations

Ruiz-Balet D., Zuazua E.. Control under constraints for multi-dimensional reaction-diffusion monostable and bistable equations. J. Math. Pures Appl, vol. 143, ...

Null-controllability of perturbed porous medium gas flow

B. Geshkovski,Null-controllability of perturbed porous medium gas flow. ESAIM:COCV, vol. 26, No. 85 (2020). DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2020009 Abstract: In this work, ...

The Inverse Problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations and Semiconcave Envelopes

Esteve C., Zuazua E.. The Inverse Problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations and Semiconcave Envelopes SIAM J. Math. Anal., Vol. 52, No ...

Analysis and numerics solvability of backward-forward conservation laws

Thibault Liard, Enrique Zuazua. Analysis and numerics solvability of backward-forward conservation laws. (2020) Abstract. In this paper, we study the ...

Reachable subspaces, control regions and heat equations with memory

G. Wang, Y. Zhang, E. Zuazua. Reachable subspaces, control regions and heat equations with memory. (2021) Abstract. We study the ...

Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems

Lohéac J., Trélat E., Zuazua E. Nonnegative control of finite-dimensional linear systems. Ann. I. H. Poincare-An., Vol. 38, No. 2, ...

Control and Deep Learning: Some connections

B. Geshkovski, E. Zuazua.  Control and Deep Learning: Some connections (2021) This note is an extended abstract for a talk ...

Large-time asymptotics in deep learning

Esteve C., Geshkovski B., Pighin D., Zuazua E. Large-time asymptotics in deep learning (2021). hal-02912516 Abstract. It is by now well-known ...

Local null controllability of a model system for strong interaction between internal solitary waves

Jon Asier Bárcena-Petisco, Sergio Guerrero and Ademir F. Pazoto.  Local null controllability of a model system for strong interaction between ...

Multiplicity of solutions for fractional q(.)-Laplacian equations

Abita Rahmoune, Umberto Biccari. Multiplicity of solutions for fractional q(.)-Laplacian equations. (2021) Abstract. In this paper, we deal with the following ...

The Finite-Time Turnpike Phenomenon for Optimal Control Problems: Stabilization by Non-smooth Tracking Terms

M. Gugat, M. Schuster, E. Zuazua. The Finite-Time Turnpike Phenomenon for Optimal Control Problems: Stabilization by Non-Smooth Tracking Terms, in ...

Controllability of one-dimensional viscous free boundary flows

B. Geshkovski, E. Zuazua. Controllability of one-dimensional viscous free boundary flows. Siam. J. Control. Optim (2021), Vol. 59, No. 3, ...

The turnpike property in semilinear control

D. Pighin The turnpike property in semilinear control ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Vol. 26 (2021), pp. 1-48 Abstract.An exponential ...