Home Events Calendar A Fisher-KPP model with a fast diffusion line in periodic media

A Fisher-KPP model with a fast diffusion line in periodic media

This Tuesday January 25th, our Postdoctoral Researcher Elisa Affili will talk on “A Fisher-KPP model with a fast diffusion line in periodic media” (“Un modèle de diffusion Fisher-KPP avec une ligne de diffusion rapide dans un milieu périodique”) organized by ACSIOM group at University of Montpellier.

Description. We treat a model of population dynamics in a periodic medium exhibiting a fast diffusion line, resulting in a coupled reaction-diffusion system on domains of different dimension. We consider here the case of a reaction term depending on a spatial variable in a periodic way. We characterize the asymptotic behavior and analyze the influence of the line on it. Moreover, we infer the influence of environmental fragmentation and the magnitude of heterogeneity on the chances of population survival.


January 25, 2022 – 13:15H


Zoom meeting link
Zoom meeting ID: 917 1123 1570 | PIN code: 950427

Find more information at  the official page of the event

The event is finished.


Tue 25th Jan 2022


13:15 - 14:15
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