Domènec Ruiz-Balet -PhD Thesis defense: “Some control aspects in Mathematical Biology and Deep Learning”
At CCM – Chair of Computational Mathematics, Deusto Foundation – University of Deusto we are glad to announce the PhD thesis defense by our team member Domènec Ruiz-Balet, PhD student from UAM – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid at DyCon-ERC project about
“Some control aspects in Mathematical Biology and Deep Learning”
By Domènec Ruiz-Balet – UAM | DeustoCCM
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg | DeustoCCM | UAM
PhD thesis -slides (February 23rd, 2022)
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 | 11:00H (Madrid Time)
Location: Room 520, Mod. 17. Departament of Mathematics. Faculty of Sciences, UAM
YouTube Link
Domènec is a PhD student from UAM – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid at the ERC-DyCon project and joined the Chair of Computational Mathematics at Deusto Foundation – University of Deusto to develop his PhD thesis research focused on in controllability of parabolic equations under constraints coming from the application.