A Fisher-KPP model with a fast diffusion line in periodic media by E. Affili
This month, our Postdoctoral Researcher Elisa Affili will present the poster “A Fisher-KPP model with a fast diffusion line in periodic media” at the “Non-Local Models Arising from Biology” Conference (Modèles non locaux issus de la biologie) organized by CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques managed by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille Université.
Description. Mathematical models based on partial differential equations are pervasive in understanding natural phenomena, and biology is no exception. It turns out that many phenomenological models in biology require, or benefit from, the introduction of so-called nonlocal terms which involve the behavior of the distribution function at several points, as opposed to the more common local terms involving derivatives. Several relevant examples in biology are concerned with the speed of propagation of species in ecology, selection-mutation models in evolutionary biology (in the context of climate change for instance), growth-fragmentation processes relevant for cells and aggregates, neural population models, segregation of species in ecology and biology, etc. These models share similar mathematical difficulties, and the theory involving nonlocal terms is often not well understood. Emphasis is placed in mathematical biology, a growing field in which many new models have appeared in recent years. The main motivation of this workshop is tobring together researchers working in this area to promote discussion of ideas which can be useful across several models, developing the relevant mathematical framework.
Elisa will be presenting her poster on October 11-15, 2021
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