Postdoc at DASEL project -Open position
Position: Postdoctoral researcher
The Chair of Computational Mathematics led by E. Zuazua of the Fundación Deusto in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) offers a postdoctoral position to carry out mathematical and computational research, with excellent facilities within a world-wide academic and industrial-technological network.
This position is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Ministry Strategic Projects Focused on the Ecological and Digital Transition”(2021) through the project titled “Data science for power grids”.
Research activities will be focused in some of the priority lines of the project, that will be identified accordingly to the candidate’s profile.
The aim of DASEL (Data science and electric networks) project is to develop data driven modelling, simulation and control methodologies for electrical networks. One of its goals is to contribute to the integration of distributed generation systems of renewable origin such as photovoltaic, wind or hydroelectric energy, which represent a priority strategic objective for a more sustainable society of the future.
The main research fields covered by DASEL are:
-Partial Differential Equations
-Control Systems
-Numerical Analysis
-Scientific Computing
-Neural network
-Machine Learning
This project is funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, in its commitment to develop greener and more sustainable solutions and advancing digitalisation through science and innovation. With the aid of European funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Ministry aims to promote R&D activities to increase the competitiveness and international leadership of Spanish science and technology through the generation of scientific knowledge and through quality research aimed at the green and digital transition.
In this context DASEL aims to combine the know-how on Applied Mathematics and Data Sciences. Digital technologies have become an important part of our daily routine, impacting the way we interact with people and do business. A more productive and environmentally friendly economy requires a methodical and applied research and innovation strategy with an integrated vision of the future. Data science and machine learning are players in this technological innovation due to the importance of using these tools to transform data into a competitive advantage by redefining their products and services. Although data science and machine learning are present today basically in any type of industrial and technological applications, many constitutive aspects of these disciplines are still only partially understood. This has opened a new and very fertile field of research for applied mathematicians who, in recent years, have widely taken advantage of this possibility to develop new branches of pure and applied innovative research.
Under this perspective, DASEL aims to contribute to the ecological and digital transition by addressing some specific questions in data science and machine learning from the point of view of applied mathematics in the field of energy.
Faculty or centre: Deusto Foundation, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
Places available: 1
Estimated period: 24 months from March 2023 (or earlier if availability allows).
- PhD Thesis obtained recently or to be defended before April 2023 in Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Engineering or closely related areas, with emphasis on Partial Differential Equations, Control theory, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning and/or Scientific Computing.
- Strong team working & communication skills.
- Good written English skills.
- Driven, independent personality.
We offer
Full-time incorporation into the organization in spring 2023. The economic conditions will be in accordance with the experience and knowledge provided by the candidates.
For more information please visit the Chair of Computational Mathematics webpage (https://cmc.deusto.eus/),
How to apply/Application material required
If you are interested in this position, please provide the following information on the web site of the University of Deusto at the position:
1. Cover Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Brief research proposal aligned with DASEL objectives
4. Contact Information for two or three references
5. Complementary material
Please apply at: https://app.talentclue.com/es/node/94385781
The University of Deusto in Bilbao (Spain) reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the positions open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.
The Chair of Computational Mathematics pursues an active policy for gender equal opportunities.