Webinar: Control of reaction-diffusion models arising in Social and Biological Sciences

Webinar: Control of reaction-diffusion models arising in Social and Biological Sciences

Worldwide, 24.04.2020. This week Enrique Zuazua head of CCM – Chair of Computational Mathematics, talked about “Control of reaction-diffusion models arising in Social and Biological Sciences” as part of Webinar sessions about “Control en Tiempo de Crisis” (Control during crisis times), an initiative organized by Luz de Teresa (UNAM México / Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil), Enrique Fernández Cara (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), and Alberto Mercado Saucedo (UTFSM, Valparaíso Chile).

In this session Enrique Zuazua analyse the control of reaction-diffusion models arising in social and biological sciences.the controllability to constant steady-states under constraints and provide both positive results in ling time horizons and exhibit also some barrier effects that may arise when the domains where the dynamics evolve is too large.

Enrique Zuazua. FAU-AvH, Alemania; Fundación Deusto, Bilbao; UAM, Madrid

Check webinar details at the event details