Research projects we are currently working on
Past projects
Research projects where team members of the Chair of Computational Mathematics participated actively
ERC DyCon project
DyCon. Dynamic Control and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations (2016 – 2022)
Groupement Euro-Maghrébin de Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions
Road2DC: New Tools for the Design and Control of Hybrid ac/dc Distribution Networks
NUMERIWAVES “New analytical and numerical Methods In Wave propagation”
Diseño óptimo aeronaútico mediante técnicas novedosas
Optimization with PDE Constraints (OPTPDE)
GDRE CONEDP Control of Partial Differential Equations
MTM2008-03541 Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Control, Numerics and Applications
High Performance Computing for Geophysics Applications
Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Control, Numerics and Applications
Interplay Between Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems
Dynamics, Control and Numerics of Fractional Partial Differential Equations
Methods for numerical simulation and control of environmental flows platforms
ICON – Interactions of Control, Partial Differential Equations and Numerics
Control y problemas inversos – COPI