“Jakin eta Erein” (Know and Sow)
Next thursday October 30, 2019 Enrique Zuazua the head of the Chair of Computational Mathematics will make the introduction to the “Know and Sow / Jakin eta Erein” a driven action by the Department of Economic Development, Employment and Innovation of the Eibar City Council led by Alberto Albistegui, directed by Eibar’s mathematician Enrique Zuazua, aims to spread the values and the relevance of Science, Art and Culture in all its slopes and encourage young people’s vocations of the region, supporting them in the entrepreneurial processes, new technologies and economy.
Under the title “Berriztagarriak energy: Etorkizunekoaukerak / Renewable energies: future opportunities“ at the Eibar headquarters of the School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa (EIG) at UPV / EHU a day will be developed for students of the University itself where teachers and other experts linked to the city will share their visions on the most innovative business experiences and challenges that are presented in the sector. The day will be coordinated by the coordinator of the Eibar section of the EIG, Oihana Aristondo.
Don’t miss out the Event program details