FAU: Light on the dark side of the moon

FAU: Light on the dark side of the moon
Enrique Zuazua, LS für Angewandte Analysis,Alexander von Humboldt-Professur. (Bild: FAU/Boris Mijat)

Germany. 26.02.2020. The last month the Friedrich Alexander Universität (Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) published the article “Light on the dark side of the moon“, an interview to Enrique Zuazua Director of the Chair of Computational Mathematics (originally appeared at the FAU ,Alexander’ Magazine, German version -December 2019).

This article highlights -on the own Zuazua’s words- that ‘Mathematics is like the moon: it has a light and a dark side. Without a certain level of understanding, all we can see are formulae – the dark side. As soon as you gain some knowledge, however, and start to learn the language of mathematics, you start to understand the underlying logic – light begins to shine through’, he says.

Enrique Zuazua head of the Chair of Applied Mathematics at FAU focuses his research to find out the applications of Mathematics to improve the world, the connections between theory and practice.

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