Noboru Sakamoto – Visit to Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions

Noboru Sakamoto – Visit to Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions

France. 10.05.2019. On 9th and 10th in May, N. Sakamoto visited Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions at Sorbonne Universite (Paris 6). He gave a talk entitled “A geometric approach to turnpike theory in optimal control” in the seminar GdT Controle of the laboratory. During his stay in Paris, he had discussions with Professor Emmanuel Trelat on the turnpike in nonlinear optimal control. Specifically, the discussions were over the generalization of the standard ‘point-wise turnpike’ as well as physical applications of turnpike phenomenon. They found quite a few research topics on turnpike and nonlinear control theory for possible future collaborations.

Information of the seminar can be found in the web page of Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions.