Averaged Control

Averaged Control

PDF version | Download Matlab Code | Download Scilab Code | GITHUB In this work, we address the optimal control of parameter-dependent systems. We introduce the notion of averaged control…


Manual PDF   |   Download Code... A Matlab guide for the numerical approximation of the exact control and stabilization of the wave equation This webpage contains a free software to compute…
Greedy algorithm for Parametric Vlasov-Fokker-Planck System

Greedy algorithm for Parametric Vlasov-Fokker-Planck System

PDF version...  |   Download Code... 1. Numerical experiments Consider the one dimensional linear Vlasov-Fokker-Planck (VPFP) as following. \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \delta\pt_tf + \sigma_1v\delta\pt_x f - \frac{\sigma_2}{\epsilon} \delta\pt_x\phi\delta\pt_v f =\frac{\sigma_3}{\epsilon}\delta\pt_v\ (v f +\delta\pt_vf\…
Evolution of the solution to the semi-discretised problem for heat eq.

Greedy Control

Control of a parameter dependent system in a robust manner. Fix a control time $T > 0$, an arbitrary initial data $x^0$, and a final target $x^1 \in R^N$...

Control of parameter dependent problems (PDC)

In real applications, models are not completely known since relevant parameters (deterministic or stochastic) are subject to uncertainty and indetermination. Accordingly, for practical purposes, robust analytical and computational methods are…