ERC DyCon project

ERC DyCon project

DyCon: Dynamic Control is an European project funded by the European Research Council – ERC (2016 - 2022), focused at making a breakthrough contribution in the broad area of Control of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and their numerical approximation methods by addressing key unsolved issues appearing systematically in real-life applications.  The field of PDEs, together with numerical approximation, simulation methods and control theory, has evolved significantly to address the industrial demands.


Project name: DASEL, Ciencia de Datos para Redes Eléctricas Project reference: TED2021-131390B-I00 AEI: TED2021-131390B-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 DASEL Funding source: MINECO. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación- Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Transición…


Project name: KiLearn - Kinetic equations and Learning control Project reference: PID2020-112617GB-C22 AEI: PID2020-112617GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 KiLearn Funding source: MINECO, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Duration: September 2021 - September 2024 Principal…

Turnpike in Lipschitz-nonlinear optimal control

Esteve C., Geshkovski G., Pighin D., Zuazua E. . Turnpike in Lipschitz-nonlinear optimal control Nonlinearity. Vol 5. No. 34, pp. 1652-1701 (2022) Abstract. We present a new proof of…

The turnpike property in semilinear control

D. Pighin The turnpike property in semilinear control ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Vol. 26 (2021), pp. 1-48 Abstract.An exponential turnpike property for a semilinear control problem is proved. The…


Project name: CONVADP Project reference: CONVADP Funding source: ELKARTEK - Basque Government Duration: March 2020 - December 2021 Principal Investigator (PI): Umberto Biccari About the Project CONVADP is a collaborative…

DyCon blog

If you are looking for our DyCon ERC project output, don't miss out: Our DyCon Toolbox for computational methods and tools Our DyCon blog for our last dissemination posts about…
ERC – DyCon: Dynamic Control Project

ERC – DyCon: Dynamic Control Project

Funded by ERC - European Research Council Project Acronym: DyConProject Full Title: Dynamic Control and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations Project reference: 694126Principal Investigator: Enrique ZuazuaHost Institutions: DeustoTech - Deusto…
Averaged Control

Averaged Control

PDF version | Download Matlab Code | Download Scilab Code | GITHUB In this work, we address the optimal control of parameter-dependent systems. We introduce the notion of averaged control…


Manual PDF   |   Download Code... A Matlab guide for the numerical approximation of the exact control and stabilization of the wave equation This webpage contains a free software to compute…
Greedy algorithm for Parametric Vlasov-Fokker-Planck System

Greedy algorithm for Parametric Vlasov-Fokker-Planck System

PDF version...  |   Download Code... 1. Numerical experiments Consider the one dimensional linear Vlasov-Fokker-Planck (VPFP) as following. \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \delta\pt_tf + \sigma_1v\delta\pt_x f - \frac{\sigma_2}{\epsilon} \delta\pt_x\phi\delta\pt_v f =\frac{\sigma_3}{\epsilon}\delta\pt_v\ (v f +\delta\pt_vf\…